We rejoice when people feel the call of God to seek Holy Baptism. The Sacrament of Baptism usually takes place during Sunday worship. Baptism is the foundation of our faith. We believe we are called to live into our Baptismal Covenant. Information on Baptism may be found in our Parish Guidelines by clicking here.
In addition, we worship God and explore life through other liturgies (worship services). Some of these are called Pastoral Offices. These include:
Historically, when young people or adults explore and discern a calling to renew their baptismal vows they are Confirmed, Re-Affirmed or Received from another denomination. This liturgy is reserved for the Office of Bishop. Prior to this sacrament a group or an individual spends time with the parish clergy exploring their faith, their relationship to Christ and the church.
It is a joy when couples seek out the church to ask God, through the church, to bless and sanctify their relationship. At St. Andrew’s when couples meet with the clergy to discuss this sacrament, the focus is on “Marriage preparation not wedding planning.” Through conversations clergy assist couples in exploring and affirming their relationship and how it can be made even healthier! St. Andrew’s is an inclusive parish. For those interested in marriage, you may find it in our Parish Guidelines by clicking here.
This liturgy and/or talking time with clergy focuses on how brokenness may be healed and restored by the grace and love of God.
Ministry to the Sick
The clergy and licenses visitors routinely make hospital and home visits. In addition, the clergy may offer a formal liturgy to the seriously ill and dying. This service may include prayer, laying-on- of-hands, scripture, anointing and Holy Communion.
To assist those planning their own funeral or that of a loved one, we offer a Parish Funeral Guide that provides a more thorough explanation of our services, various scriptures readings, suggested music and other information which you can see here.