Episcopal Youth Group
Teenagers in Grades 6 – 12 form our social group known as EYG. Since there is such a wide range of interests and maturity in these years, most social events are organized for younger or older teens. The calendar of events for both groups will be published throughout the church year.
Through the children’s study of the life of Jesus, they are taught to share their time, talents, and treasures through service to others. An offering will be collected in each class every week, and the young people will choose the community service program to which they will donate the funds they raise. It is particularly helpful if the children donate either allowance money or money they have earned themselves. Children also participate with their families in parish-wide projects such as food and toy packages for needy families from a local elementary school.
Children who are eight years and older may serve as acolytes in the 10:30 A.M. service. Instruction and hands-on training by experienced acolytes is provided. Children learn the correct names for parts of the church, communion vessels, and vestments. Those who complete the training are commissioned for service and, after serving one year, are presented with a cross. They are scheduled on a rotating basis.